Texas’ Nightclub King Alfredo Hinojosa On Trial for Selling Cocaine

Alfredo Navarro Hinojosa owned more than 40 nightclubs throughout North Texas; they were full of patrons and clients every weekend. The clubs are worth more than $100 million in just three years. However, to keep his nightclubs afloat, Alfredo found an alternative revenue stream.

Club owner made thousands of dollars via cocaine sales

He made his money by allowing the sale of cocaine in his club’s bathrooms, which drew crowds to his venues. According to the court, the traffickers managed to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Hinojosa’s trial is currently ongoing in Dallas federal court and will reach a jury next week. The Nightclub King faces charges of running a drug store and multiple counts of conspiracy. The case was launched ten years ago. Hinojosa was not arrested until 2017. His trial was delayed multiple times by the COVID-19 pandemic.

After multiple delays trial is moving forward

His trial and three other defendants were again delayed when one of them contracted the virus and was forced to go into quarantine. Hinojosa initially pleaded guilty upon his arrest but ended up changing his mind and decided not to go to trial. He told FBI agents in 2017 that he knew drugs were being sold at his club.

Along with Hinojosa, two former Dallas police officers were convicted of lying to the FBI. Both Edward Villarreal and Craig Woods were police officers who managed security at the clubs. Woods ended up retiring in 2017 and received three years of probation. Villareal faces five years in prison. These two officers attempted to keep Hinojosa and his associates out of trouble to thwart local and federal investigations.

Hinojosa-owned nightclubs include Far West, Medusa, both OK Corral in Dallas and Fort Worth. His clubs brought in $107 million between 2014 and 2016. Hinojosa did not actually sell drugs or accept money from the transactions that took place in the restrooms. However,