Naked Man in Illinois Bit 28 People While Acting Weird in Walmart Supercenter

This morning, a naked man caused quite a fuss in a Walmart supercenter when he bit hundreds of shoppers at random while yelling and barking. Around 9:30 this morning, Michael Kruger, 29, walked into the store nude and clearly inebriated.

He started sprinting around the superstore right away, jumping on several of the shoppers, and viciously biting them.

An employee who saw the attack, Ruth Davis, claims the perpetrator appeared to be possessed or insane. The Walmart employee claims that Kruger was speaking illogically and making odd noises during the transaction.

Before the Chicago Police ultimately apprehended Kruger, he had a bit a total of 28 individuals and gently assaulted a further twelve. No one who was attacked was seriously hurt, but there is a small chance that they might have caught an illness from the attacker.

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Another Naked Man Traumatized Customers at Shopping Plaza

Meanwhile, At the North Springs Mall in Coral Springs on Sunday afternoon, a strange occurrence took place as a mentally ill guy was running naked around the mall.

Shoppers and locals were alarmed by the man’s actions and stunned by the scene. The man was reportedly acting erratically and shouting incoherently as he moved through the plaza, according to bystanders.

He allegedly raced into the Target store at 9600 Westview Drive and carried on acting strangely there. Witness Nicholas DiBenedetto of Coral Springs, called the man’s actions mad ranting and said they were traumatizing for his wife and stepdaughter.

The individual, who was later determined to have a mental disorder, was taken into custody after Coral Springs Police were summoned to the site. The individual was taken by the police to a neighboring mental health facility for a Baker Act evaluation.

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