Dallas Is Trying To Be Inclusive In The Future After Contemplating The Past

The Dallas Morning News reports that not only people but the administration is trying to use a different approach to addressing equity in key areas that can help promote inclusion in a big way. Dallas has had a history of racist attacks and the city is looking forward change the image. Strides have been taken to make the changes in this direction and fill in the gaping holes in society.

Over The Years

Several monuments dot the city wherein they remind of racist violence and attack. These instances of the white majority being brutal and often relentless when committing such crimes. Many leaders and activists have condemned these attacks. They feel small steps are being taken in the right direction not to repeat mistakes and to provide inclusivity to all people.

The bureaucracies and organizations have stepped up efforts in a wide variety of efforts to focus on humanity and inclusiveness. There have been protests, marches and other ways to showcase the injustice. However, they keep happening even with heavyweights like celebrities and big names in politics have tried to make inclusivity a policy.

Changes For The Future

Departments across the city have gotten the budgeting process that has equity impact assessment of their request in 2021-2022. Dallas has set up a comprehensive racial equity plan released this spring.

All the budgeting and putting together resources for equity will create awareness. However, the actual change has to come from the people. The Chief of Equity doesn’t seem pleased as she feels people need to walk the talk. Flip Board reports that seeing immediate changes and making a decision would be premature as no substantial changes could be pinpointed. However, over a while, considering there is a lot of ground to cover, experts will await the results to conclude.