170 randomly selected Americans will start to receive the first batch of monthly payments worth $500 in the coming weeks.
Mayor Justin Wilson of Alexandria released his statement in a newsletter in January that they have received a total of 4,159 applications for the city’s universal basic program income known as ARISE. The program aims to help alleviate poverty by giving $500 monthly payments to needy residents that will last for two years. According to Mayor Justin Wilson, the ultimate goal of the city’s effort is to improve the economic stability of low-income families. The city will conduct case management and engage a research partner to gauge the result of the program.
To be eligible for the fund, applicants must meet the following standards:
- must be 18 years old or older
- must be a resident of Alexandria
- must have 50 percent or below of the area’s median income
- must have submitted the application before November 9 deadline
The ARISE program released the full income limits per household that are posted online. To submit an application, proof of work is not necessary.
The original date for the release of the first round of monthly checks was set during the last week of January. However, the Patch, a local news outlet reported that the checks will start to go out in February with no exact date provided.