French Politician Robert Badinter Dies at 95, See Robert Badinter Cause of Death

Robert Badinter Cause of Death:- Robert Badinter was a a French lawyer, politician, and author. While serving as Minister of Justice under François Mitterrand, he played a key role in ending the death penalty in France in 1981. Additionally, he held important appointed positions in both national and international organizations dedicated to promoting justice and the rule of law.

Robert Badinter Cause of Death and Obituary

Recently, the news of the death of former French Justice Minister Robert Badinter has created a wave of mourning. Robert Badinter died on 9 February 2024 at the age of 95. Robert Badinter’s cause of death was natural causes.

After hearing the news of Robert Badinter’s death, celebrities and many others paid tribute on social media.

President Emmanuel Macron wrote on X, formerly Twitter- “Lawyer, minister of justice and the man who abolished the death penalty, Robert Badinter never stopped pleading for enlightenment.” “He was a person of the century, a man with a republican conscience and a spirit that was French.”

Speaking in Bordeaux, Macron also highlighted that Badinter led “important reforms of the penal code, which led to the transformation of French justice in the early 1980s,” and said that a national tribute would be paid to him.

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal also honored Badinter on X. He praised a “man of law” and “value” who “devoted every second of his life to fighting for what was right, to fighting for fundamental freedoms. The abolition of the death penalty will forever be his legacy to France. We owe him so much. Our rights and freedoms owe him so much.”

Current Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti described him as “an immense lawyer, a visionary and courageous.” Dupond-Moretti added, “Deeply committed to justice, the architect of abolition, a man of law and passion, he leaves a void equal to his legacy: immeasurable.”

What was the Robert Badinter Age?

Robert Badinter was born to his parents on 30 March 1928 in Paris, France. When he was died, his age was 95 years as of 2023.

Robert Badinter’s parents were Charlotte Rosenberg and Simon Badinter. Robert did his studies at the University of Paris and Columbia University in New York City.

Who was Robert Badinter Wife?

Robert Badinter was an married man. Robert Badinter married twice. Robert Badinter’s first wife was Anne Vernon. They married in 1957 and got divorced in 1965.

In 1966, Robert Badinter married second time. Before his Death, Robert Badinter wife was Élisabeth Bleustein-Blanchet. She is a philosopher and feminist writer. She is also well-recognized as the daughter of Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet, who was the founder of Publicis.

Robert Badinter and Élisabeth Badinter has four children- Judith Badinter, Benjamin Badinter, Simon Marcel Badinter, and Simon Badinter.

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