The Black Man Project Determined to Fix Challenges of Black Men’s Mental Health

The Black Man Project has been established to address the complexities of black or African-American men and boys in the USA. The organization has provided a helping hand to black men in localities New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, Houston, and Atlanta. It has now declared to make endeavors while eliminating the hurdles black men encounter in handling mental health.

What did The Black Man Project state about mental health?

The Black Man Project has announced that the organization will be creating free groups of people to assist men belonging to the Black community in tackling their mental challenges. The decision has been made considering the uneasiness of the Black men in opening up and sharing their discomforts.

The Black Man Project

According to Forward Times, one in every three African-American goes through major mental illness and requires immediate support. It has also been noticed that these men cannot open up to anybody easily. Hence, these situations have provoked an urgency to fix the barriers to mental wellness that Black men face.

The organization has connected to more than 100 African-American men and boys so far, and its further sessions are scheduled on December 10th, December 31st,2022, and January 7, 2023, at 2502 Division Street in Houston. These particular meetings are known as Black Men Healing sessions.

Read also- Austin Health Experts to talk about Men’s Mental Health: Read More

Why The Black Man Project organized Black Men Healing Sessions?

PRN states that black men and boys have a stigma while sharing their mental distress and visiting a psychiatrist. Along with that, mental illness is still taboo in Black communities. Due to discrimination and cultural differences, Black men fail to reveal their mental pressure.

The Black Man Project

To fix these issues Black Man Project has declared community-based healing centers. Femi Olukoya, a professional counselor will look after these sessions covering trauma, grief, stress, and other causes of mental distress.