California Fresno, police arrested the brother who is accused of stabbing his pregnant sister and burning the corpse last Tuesday, reported Crime online.
The deceased was identified as N-Kya Logan, 26, who was going 26 weeks pregnant with a boy; the Fresno police saw the body on a dirt road after getting informed that the corpse of a woman was set on fire.
Police chief Paco Balderama mentioned the deceased and unborn got stabbed more than one time. He added that a maintenance worker used an extinguisher on the dead body, and mentioned WHAM.
Based on speculations of the authorities who say the deceased was stabbed dead at her residence. The Brother of the deceased got probed by the cops, Aaron Dudley, 41, whom they point as the person who placed the corpse in a city trash can.

More Details About Killing
An outlet asserted that a video was taken showing the deceased brother pushing the garbage bin to the location of the alley where the body was found. He was seen by someone setting the bin on fire; the onlooker never thought it was the body not the rubbish inside.
According to Chief Balderrama saying the woman would name the boy Noah. The killer stabbed the uterus of the woman; killing the unborn fetus as well as the mother in a brutal slaying.
He called Aaron evil to plan and then stab his sister with child mercilessly; so many times.
Police had no motive because he did the murder but a call by Logan to them on July 28th that revealed someone was threatening her with death.
Dudley is on a 72-hour hold order after the death of his sister; he is seen as unstable and a threat to himself and others. He is also the one who bought the gasoline to burn the corpse.
The man is a flight risk and was living with his mother and sister when she died. Two counts of murder are expected on the brother accused of stabbing dead his pregnant sister.