Khei Horikoshi’s My Hero Academia is a Japanese superhero manga series he wrote and illustrated. The story follows Izuku, a boy born without a Quirk but still dreams of becoming a superhero in a world where superpowers are commonplace. All Might, Japan’s greatest hero, scouts him and helps Midoriya enroll in a prestigious high school for superheroes in training, bestowing his Quirk after recognizing his potential. As of July 2022, the series has been serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump, and its chapters have been collected into 35 volumes. The manga My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions and an anime television series by Bones have all been inspired by the series.
About the Anime: My Hero Academia
Both manga and their anime adaptation have received overwhelmingly positive responses from critics and audiences and are the best of the decade. Several awards were bestowed upon the manga, including the Sugoi Japan Award and the Harvey Award for Best Manga. The anime of the Year at the first Crunchyroll Anime Awards. The manga had over 65 million copies worldwide as of January 2022, making it one of the best-selling manga series of all time. Funimation has licensed the anime series for streaming services, home, broadcast distribution, and merchandise rights.
The Unique Plotline of My Hero Academia:
My Hero Academia is set in where most of the human population has gained the ability to develop superpowers known as “Quirks,” which occur in children as young as four years old: it is estimated that around 81% of the population has a Quirk. There are an infinite number of Quirks, and it is improbable that two people have the same power unless they are related. Among the Quirk-enhanced people, a few become Heroes, assisting authorities in rescue operations and apprehending criminals who abuse their powers, also known as Villains. Furthermore, Heroes who excel at their jobs become celebrities and are dubbed “Pro Heroes.”
The Storyline of the Anime:
The series follows Izuku Midoriya, who aspires to be a Hero despite being a child by his violent childhood friend Katsuki Bakugo for not having a Quirk. Both youths idolize All Might, one of the world’s greatest heroes whom they met, with Izuku being one of the few to learn of a critical injury. All Might had been hiding from the public eye to keep morale high. Reveal the nature of his Quirk, “One For All,” which he passes down to Izuku after witnessing the youth’s bravery in the face. All For One, a nemesis to the “One For All” users, conditions Izuku’s apprentice to begin his path to becoming a hero.
Interesting Facts about the Anime:
Khei Horikoshi wrote and illustrated the series. It streamed in Shueisha’s shonen manga magazine Weekly Shonen Jump. On November 4, 2014, the first volume was released. The manga’s final act began with Chapter 306, published in March 2021. Viz Media licensed the series for English-language release in North America, and the first volume was released on August 4, 2015. Because the series is published in Japan, Viz Media’s Weekly Shonen Jump releases it in English digitally simultaneously. In January 2019, Shueisha began publishing chapters of the series in English on the website and app Manga Plus simultaneously in Japan.
The Streaming Details of the Anime:
Funimation announced in March 2016 that they had licensed the international rights for streaming services and home and broadcast releases. Universal Pictures, the first season for Funimation in the United Kingdom and Ireland, with Sony Pictures circulating the second season and Manga Entertainment. Sony Pictures Home broadcast the first two seasons on Funimation in Australia and New Zealand, with Madman Anime spreading season three and onwards in collaboration with Funimation. Funimation announced on April 19, 2018, that the series would begin airing on Adult Swim’s Toonami block on May 5, 2018. Medialink licensed Southeast Asia. It aired on Animax Asia.
In October 2015, the series’ official Twitter announced that Studio Bones would produce an anime adaptation. The anime was directed by Kenji Nagasaki, written by Yusuke Kuroda, and featured Yoshihiko Umakoshi’s character designs and Yuki Hayashi’s music. Marina Inoue plays Momo Yaoyorozu, Yoshimasa Hosoya plays Fumikage Tokoyami, Daiki Yamashita plays Izuku Midoriya, and Kenta Miyake plays. The anime debuted on MBS and other Japan News Network stations in Japan on Sundays at 5 p.m. in the Nichigo time slot. The opening theme is “The Day” by Porno Graffiti, and the ending article is “Heroes” by Brian the Sun.