The anime series Fairy Tail is based on the eponymous manga by Hiro Mashima. Published by Kodansha, it debuted in 2006. Later, the same company published it in their Weekly Shonen Magazine. The 63 volumes of the Fairy Tail manga were each enclosed under vibrant covers. The story occurs in a universe where various wizards form guilds and carry out tasks to earn money. Enthusiastic about joining the Fairy Tail guild, Lucy meets Natsu Dragneel by chance. Natsu was a powerful fire-breathing wizard from Fairy Tail. She eventually arrives in the guild after a series of incidents. She interacts with several wizards and goes on numerous adventures with them.
About Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest
The manga of the same name by Hiro Mashima served as the inspiration for Fairy Tail. Published by Kodansha, it was first introduced in 2006. Later, the same publisher published it in serial form in its Weekly Shonen Magazine. The 63 volumes of the Fairy Tail manga were each enclosed under a vibrant cover. It centers on a universe where various wizards join guilds and carry out tasks for pay. Natsu Dragneel and Lucy cross paths as they are both eager to join the Fairy Tail guild. Natsu was a powerful magician from Fairy Tail who could breathe fire. She eventually reaches the guild as a result of a series of circumstances. She faces several adventures with various wizards that she meets.
What date will 100 Years Quest be released?
Mashima has not specified a goal release date for the anime adaptation of Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest, but we may extrapolate some expectations from the development of another one of his novels, Edens Zero.The public debut of Edens Zero on Japanese television networks took place in April 2021 after its announcement in June 2020.
Fans could witness a return to Earth Land as early as July 2022 on the Summer anime schedule, assuming that 100 Years Quest sees a similar production time frame.The only possible exception is that the animation companies, which are likely to be A-1 Productions or Satellite Studios—both of which produced earlier anime in the franchise—could be problematic. The problem is that both of these businesses could prioritize their efforts on Sword Art Online and Sakugan above other initiatives.
Anticipated cast:
Natsu Dragneel
Our main character, Natsu Dragneel, is one of the five dragon slayers. He is Igneel’s child. It’s great that he has the Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, no? In the anime world today, he is most known for spewing fire! Let’s discuss his appearance now.
Natsu is a typical adolescent boy with average height and a lot of muscle. He has pink hair, and his body is covered with scars. You probably won’t see it, similar to the one on his neck, since Natsu’s scarf completely conceals it.
Lucy HeartFillia
She belongs to Natsu’s Guild and is a magician. Her shoulder-length blonde hair and brown eyes complete her appearance. She enjoys wearing various ribbons in various colors close to her ponytail.
Do not be fooled by her appearance or behavior; she is pretty intelligent. She loves to write a book about her journey and cares for her friends and family, but for some reason… She doesn’t let anybody see her books.
Erza scarlet
She also tends to act feminine! She uses a giant sword, like I said, right? She is incredibly skilled with a sword. However, I failed to add that! Why she is one of Fairy Tail’s strongest characters is explained.If you were curious and haven’t seen the series before, Fairy Tail is a guild inside the anime!
Wendy Marvell
She has long, dark blue-purple hair that falls to her waist, but later in the story, she chops it short before deciding to grow it again. She typically dresses as any other typical female would. Initially, she belonged to the so-called Wendy’s Cait Shelter Guild, but this guild quickly broke apart. She is pretty shy and friendly. Additionally, she is a comrade with an Exceed named Carla. Due to their strong friendship, Wendy assists her. She loves her friends and family sincerely and constantly wants to keep them safe. She is a 12-year-old girl with brown eyes as well.