“This Is Us” is a show that revolves around the Pearson family for many years. Everyone has a family, and every family has a story to tell. The story goes around Jack and Rebecca and their 37-year-old kids, Kate, Kevin, and Randall, searching for love and fulfillment in the present scenario.
This life-affirming drama series chronicles and shows how small things impact our lives, what we become, and who we become. It shows how the connections we share can transcend distance, time, and even death. It is a smart, modern show that will connect with you like the one you have known for years.
‘This is Us’ – Thanksgiving dinner
Rebecca and Kate talk about the Thanksgiving dinner. Randall and Beth show up for dinner, and Kevin tells everyone that he and Sophie broke up.
Matt shows up and meets Randall and Beth, and sometime later, Miguel and his girlfriend Marguerite join the dinner. Matt had brought a pinot noir for Rebecca. Randall tells Kevin that Kate has gained some weight while Beth tries to make Kate feel better.
Later in “This Is Us”, Miguel carved the turkey and talked to Rebecca about their partners. Everyone starts playing the Taboo game, and Rebecca and Miguel are crushing the game, being pros at it. Everyone notices them playing, and Kevin tells Miguel how he is sometimes disappointed in choices of Kevin.
Everyone is having their time and discussing each other’s life. Later in the episode, Rebecca says that she wants to have a family chat with Miguel and the kids after dinner to discuss some things, as per Celebrity Myxer.
‘This Is Us’ – the talk at the table
Everyone sits down at the table, and Rebecca says she is making a plan. To start with it, she says that Miguel will make the decisions for her care. To continue, she says that if Miguel is not available, she doesn’t want her kids to fight over who will decide for her, so she has chosen Kate for the role.
Rebecca tells her kids not to make their lives smaller because of her last request. She doesn’t want to hold them back; she wants them to be fearless and live life.
Kate asks Rebecca why she was chosen among the three kids. Rebecca says that it was always her as she sees her as her best friend. Rebecca whispered the secret ingredient for the family’s famous sugar pie as she was leaving in her ears.