Chinese ‘Global Times’ Calls U.S. Troops ‘Invaders’ in Taiwan

The United States has sent troops to Taiwan and is believed to be training the Taiwanese military in secret, reports Such information has angered proponents of the Chinese Communist Party. Some of them took to social media to express their outrage.  

‘Global Times’ calling U.S. troops ‘invaders’  

One of them is the editor-in-chief of the Chinese state-run media Global Times – Hu Xijin. Hu made a tweet criticizing such a move by the U.S. as he stated, “Why secretly? The U.S. should send 240 servicemen publicly, in U.S. military uniform, and make public where they are stationed.” He even went on to call the U.S. commandoes “invaders”. He suggested the elimination of the American soldiers as he further noted, “See whether the PLA (China’s People’s Liberation Army) will launch a targeted airstrike to eliminate those U.S. invaders!”  

A China mouthpiece  

It needs to be pointed out that Global Times is a part of the People’s Daily, a huge newspaper conglomerate in China, not to mention a well-known mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party. Knowing CCP, it’s in control of almost the entirety of the media outlets in China, including Xinhua News Agency – the largest news agency in the world in terms of worldwide correspondents.  

Chinese invasion by 2025  

According to the Taiwanese Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng, it is believed that China can invade Taiwan, though the costs would be too high. However, during a parliamentary committee hearing, he said that by 2025, Beijing would be able to do so at a minimal cost and thus have the full ability to mount an invasion.  

His statement comes after the largest incursion by the Chinese military near Taiwan’s airspace. In just four days, nearly 150 in total flew through Taiwan’s air defense identification zone.   

Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, on the other hand, is calling out for international support. She wrote an essay about it in the international relations magazine Foreign Affairs, stating that the fall of Taiwan would be catastrophic.   

Additionally, she highlighted that if Taiwan were to fall, the consequences would be catastrophic for regional peace and the democratic alliance system. She noted that it would signal that in today’s global contest of values, authoritarianism has the upper hand over democracy.