Alief Independent School District Deals With Damaged Property Because Of ‘Devious Lick’ TikTok Trend

The Alief Independent School District (ISD) has been dealing with damaged property and stolen items. This comes after a TikTok trend called the “devious lick” went viral.

The “devious lick” challenge encourages TikTok users to steal school property, destroy them, or vandalize school bathrooms. According to reports, “lick” is another word for stealing. In the Urban Dictionary, lick was defined as “a successful type of theft, which results in an acceptable, impressive and rewarding payday for the protagonist.” Because the trend has resulted negatively, TikTok removed the hashtag “devious lick” from their app. When people search for such a tag, a message will appear saying that the content has been removed because it violates the app’s guidelines.

TikTok likewise released a statement on Twitter. The statement reads, “We expect our community to create responsibly – online and IRL. We’re removing content and redirecting hashtags & search results to our Community Guidelines to discourage such behavior. Please be kind to your schools & teachers.”

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One of the schools affected by such a trend in the Alief ISD is the O’Donnell Middle School. The school’s Facebook page released a statement on Thursday saying that for the past two days, some students vandalized the 7th-grade boys’ restrooms and main hallway boys’ restrooms. The post also noted that soap dispensers and hardware to the doors were removed, destroyed, and taken.


O’Donnell Middle School noted in their post that they already talked to their 7th-grade boys but still encouraged parents to talk to their children regarding the issue.

Alief ISD also released a statement on Friday saying that they acted on the matter and closed the restrooms during certain times. Alief ISD said, “In an effort to prevent more occurrences of the ‘Devious Lick’ social media craze, O’Donnell Middle School administration has taken a proactive approach. Since discovering damage Wednesday school administration sent notification to parents and posted on social media that vandalism will not be tolerated and that students should choose to be leaders with pride rather than followers engaging in destructive behavior. In addition, restrooms will now be closed during transition times, and students must sign in and out to use the restroom during class time.”

Another affected school is Midland Independent School District. They said that sinks, soap, and hand sanitizers went missing and fire extinguishers, fire flashers, and exit signs. The Waco ISD Police Department also released a warning on their Facebook page. They said that if students get caught doing the TikTok trend, they would be held accountable.