After the federal government gave out three stimulus packages to Americans, it is unlikely that a fourth package will be doled out despite calls from a section of the Democratic Party and from Americans to recover from the pandemic.
The American Rescue Plan, the first major legislative achievement of President Joe Biden, included a third stimulus check and was approved back in March. But now, despite a growing petition seeking another round of relief payments, it seems less and less likely that there will be a fourth stimulus check.
But don’t worry! Just because the government might not be distributing any more direct payments, doesn’t mean you won’t get one. That’s because as part of the American Rescue Plan, states were allotted over $200 billion to use towards economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Some states are now deciding to dole out their own direct payments for residents within their jurisdiction.
Relief legislation has been passed by some states during the pandemic that caters to the short-term needs of residents.
For example, the Golden State Stimulus check could soon become available for its residents, carved out of a record-breaking $75 billion budget surplus from 2020.
The California Comeback Plan of Governor Gavin Newsom was passed by the state and pledges to give out a total of $100 billion. A stimulus check of between $500 and $600 can be provided to those residents who earn between $30,000 and $75,000 a year while those with dependent children could get an additional $500.
Residents of Colorado can expect to get a check of $375 if they had received at least one unemployment payment between March 15, 2020, and October 24, 2020. However, those residents earning more than $500 per week in base unemployment benefits are not likely to receive a check.

The authorities in Florida will hand out a $1,000 bonus to most teachers and administrators as a token of thanks for their efforts during the pandemic-affected 2020 schooling year. A similar check will be given out to full-time teachers and administrators in Georgia while a check of $500 will be handed out to part-time teachers.
A stimulus payment of $500 to all Maryland residents who filed for the Earned Income Tax Credit will be given if the filing was done as a family and $300 if they had filed as individuals. At least $500 bonuses to teachers in the state as hazard pay have been handed out in Michigan.
A stimulus check from the New Mexico state will be given out to some residents even though the amount and eligibility haven’t yet been finalized. A $1,000 check as a hazard pay bonus to full-time teachers and $500 to part-time teachers will be given out by Tennessee.
Even though no teacher bonus has been announced by Texas, plans of rewarding teachers are being worked out by individual school districts in the state. A 4% pay hike will be handed out to Forth Worth and Arlington district employees while a 2% raise will be given out to teachers in Denton and Mansfield. A $500 bonus will be given to teachers in Denton.
On the other hand, a $2,000 payment will be handed over to staff members of schools in Irving if they return back to work in September.