The election bill in Texas that proposes major changes as to the procedures when voting has created a lot of concerns. One of which is the question about the bill taking away the democracy in voting.
The concern became a hot topic in May when there was a walkout by the Democratic lawmakers from the State House floor. This week, the Democratic lawmakers also fled from Texas to try and block the passage of the bill. The lawmakers are now in Washington D.C. as they lobby for Congress to come up with a legislation regarding federal voting rights.
More on the election bill of Texas, political scientists and analysts already found out that it is more difficult to vote in Texas than in any other state in the United States of America. That is with the current election laws surrounding the voting procedure. Now, with the planned overhaul of the Republican lawmakers of the voting procedure, it will add more restrictions.
The proposed changes include banning the 24-hour voting as well as drive-thru voting, not allowing public officials to solicit actively any vote-by-mail applications, giving more power to poll watchers, and restrictions as to the requirements for non-English speakers in casting their ballot.
Analysts and experts are saying that Texans should be concerned about the election bill. For one, giving the power to poll watchers, who are usually sent by political parties to voting areas, could result in the harassment of voters, disruptive behavior, or aggressiveness in wanting access when the votes are to be counted. The bill will likewise put non-English speakers at a disadvantage.
Cliff Albright, the co-founder and executive director of Black Votes Matter, said that the bill is definitely a suppression of democracy in voting. “This would make it the worst voter suppression bill in the country. What we need right now, along with civil disobedience on the streets, is legislative disobedience,” he said.
Despite the opinions and the restrictions pointed out that could be imposed by the bill, Texas Governor Greg Abbott believes it is not unfair. He said it is the same thing as when Texas lawmakers passed a voter I.D. law. With that law, it was easier for Texans to go and vote. The same thing is what Abbott hopes for the election law revamp. He said that they want to eliminate the 24-hour voting and give poll watchers more power so that the integrity in the ballot box system is maintained.