$500 Alexandria’s Stimulus Check Program Set to Begin this Month

The city of Alexandria, Virginia has launched a new program, Alexandria’s Recurring Income for Success and Equity (ARISE), that aims to provide financial support to eligible residents.

ARISE Logo (Photo: actforalexandria)

According to a news release, Mayor Justin Wilson stated that the program was designed to change the way the city assists residents who require financial assistance. There are 170 residents who have been randomly selected to receive $500 every month over the next two years, and the money can be used as they see fit. The program aims to evolve the way the city helps its residents who need financial support. Applications for the program opened on October 31 and closed a little over a week later on November 9, and the city began notifying eligible residents on December 13.

Who is eligible for the program?

To be eligible for the program, residents must have been residents of Alexandria, be 18 years or older, and earn 50% or less of the area’s median income. The median income limit varies depending on the number of people in the household. For individuals living alone, the monthly earnings cap is $4,154, with a yearly limit of $49,890. The limits increase slightly with every additional person in the household.

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According to the latest update about the ARISE program, over 4,000 applications were received, and all individuals randomly selected to receive the $500 monthly payment have been notified and enrolled in the program. If you haven’t heard from the program, you weren’t picked for the monthly payment. However, you might still be included in the control group, which involves taking part in surveys for financial rewards, but the guaranteed $500 monthly payment won’t be part of this.

Zebra also reported that the first payment is set to be distributed in February 2023, but the distribution will depend on the successful onboarding of all 170 participants. If any unforeseen issues arise during the onboarding process, it could potentially delay the first payment.

The city of Alexandria has more information regarding the program available on its website. The program is a significant effort to support those in need and offers an innovative approach to providing financial assistance to residents.

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