Surging Imports and Exports Mark Growth at Land Ports in China’s Xizang Region

The Xizang Autonomous Region in southwest China has witnessed remarkable growth in the import and export activities of its major land ports, according to the regional department of commerce. From January to November 2023, the cumulative import and export value of four key land ports—Gyirong, Burang, Zham, and Lektse—amounted to 4.56 billion yuan (approximately 642.2 million U.S. dollars). This represents an impressive year-on-year growth of 80.2%. The ports collectively handled 129,900 tonnes of goods during this period, indicating a significant 47.4% increase compared to the previous year.

The statistics, released during the second plenary session of the 12th People’s Congress of the Xizang Autonomous Region, further revealed that the inbound and outbound vehicles through these ports made 11,084 trips, experiencing a substantial year-on-year surge of 110.2%. The positive growth in trade and transportation is attributed to the resumption of two-way cargo customs clearance and personnel exchanges at the ports of Zham, Gyirong, and Burang. Additionally, the Lektse port, the fourth land port in the plateau region, commenced operations in November of the previous year, further contributing to the overall increase.

The increased economic activity has not only benefited the region’s trade figures but has also positively impacted the incomes of residents in the border areas. From January to October, the trade volume among border residents surged by 32.4% year on year, reaching nearly 1.33 billion yuan.

Furthermore, official data showcased a substantial expansion in the total foreign trade of Xizang, growing by 72.5% year on year in the first eight months of 2023. The region’s trading partners span over 90 countries and regions, indicating a robust international trade network.

In recent years, Xizang has strategically leveraged its geographical advantages and policy resources, actively establishing itself as a pivotal channel for South Asian connectivity. This strategic initiative has yielded positive outcomes, allowing Xizang to broaden its scope of international cooperation and deepen its engagement at various levels of trade and commerce.

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