How did Derrick Bragg Die? The Member of the House of Assembly is No More

Derrick Bragg, a Member of the House of Assembly (MHA) for Greenspond, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Minister of Fisheries, Forestry, and Agriculture, died on January 22, 2024, after a brave struggle with tongue cancer. Bragg, born and reared in Greenspond, was famous in both his village and province. His dedication to public service was evident throughout his career, from his pivotal role in formulating provincial policy to his unwavering commitment despite personal health challenges.

How did Derrick Bragg Die?

Bragg stated publicly in June 2023 that he had tongue cancer. Despite stepping down from his position, he remained in cabinet as a minister without portfolio, demonstrating his steadfast dedication to public service despite his health challenges. His colleagues and constituents grieve his passing, remembering him as a dedicated advocate for Newfoundland and Labrador.

While Bragg’s death is a tremendous loss for the province, his legacy will continue to inspire future public workers. His persistent efforts to better the lives of the people of Newfoundland and Labrador will be remembered. As we grieve Derrick Bragg’s death, we commemorate his life and achievements. He will be recognized for his commitment to public service, affection for his hometown of Greenspond, and persistent efforts to better the lives of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.

Obituary to Derrick Bragg:

We are all stunned by Derrick Bragg’s abrupt death. His departure on Friday, January 27, 2024, left a gap that cannot be filled. Derrick was a remarkable person who touched many people’s lives via his generosity, compassion, and persistent dedication to public service. His unexpected absence has left us deeply saddened as we mourn the loss of a natural leader and advocate for our community.

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