Mexican President Warns to Meddle US Election Amid Calls for Action Against Smuggling Across the Border

After two Americans were killed in a border community across the river from Texas, Republican senators called for US soldiers to enter Mexican territory. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador rejected those calls.

The president, who goes by AMLO, stated that Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard will meet with US officials on Monday to discuss coordinated efforts to address the fentanyl epidemic and that Ebrard will “answer immediately” to the GOP pitch. AMLO confirmed that US President Joe Biden has not made any indications that US troops will be deployed to Mexico.

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Mexican President Slams GOP’s Calls for Smuggling Crackdown

Crime-Mexico-Election-Smuggle-US News
After two Americans were killed in a border community across the river from Texas, Republican senators called for US soldiers to enter Mexican territory. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador rejected those calls.

In response to Republican senators’ demands for military action to stop the ongoing smuggling of fentanyl into the US, Lopez Obrador announced new measures.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, demanded on Wednesday that the US unleash its fury and might on the drug gangs in Mexico.

Graham stated that he planned to present legislation designating Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs) and allowing the US to enter Mexico with military action to take out the drug networks.

Graham rejected worries that such a move would sour relations with Mexico on the diplomatic front. After two Americans were killed recently by cartels, Texas Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw also favored military intervention. “ It was time we sanction military force,” he declared, to combat the cartels.

In remarks made on Thursday, López Obrador also asserted that Mexico does not produce fentanyl in an effort to deflect blame on the US. According to López Obrador’s statements, the majority of fentanyl is actually synthesized in Mexico using Chinese precursors and then smuggled into the US across the land border. Fentanyl is 50–100 times more toxic than morphine and can be lethal in small doses.

The Mexican government has previously acknowledged this reality and has conducted a number of high-profile fentanyl seizures from drug factories located on its soil. According to a December statement by the DEA, the majority of the fentanyl smuggled by the Sinaloa and CJNG Cartels is being mass-produced at secret factories in Mexico with chemicals imported mostly from China.

Republicans aren’t the only ones who have criticized Mexico. This week, Attorney General Merrick Garland testified before the Senate that the Mexican cartels are unleashing the fentanyl scourge on purpose.

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