After President Biden criticized Florida’s policies on transgender youngsters, the state’s governor, Ron DeSantis, came out swinging in response. He called the policies cruel and near to sinful.
During an interview on Monday with Kal Penn, an actor and a former employee in Barack Obama’s White House, guest host for ‘The Daily Show,’ Biden took aim at recent steps that the state of Florida has taken towards transgender youngsters.
Although Biden did not specify a particular policy, Florida’s boards of medicine and osteopathic medicine did just last month adopt rules that prohibit minors from accessing gender-transition drugs and surgeries, despite the objections of Democrats and LGBTQ advocates. Biden did not specify a particular policy.
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Biden Attacks Florida Transgender Laws

According to Jason Weida, the Secretary of the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration, the federal government’s policy of pressuring people with gender dysmorphia to have surgery when they are still minors is the actual sin, and it is decades behind other industrialized countries.
A segment that was broadcast on Monday’s episode of The Daily Show provided viewers with a sneak peek at President Biden being interviewed by guest host Kal Penn in the White House.
The comedian and actor, best known for his leading role in the film Harold & Kumar, took a hiatus from the entertainment industry in 2009 to serve as Associate Director for the Office of Public Engagement in the White House for more than two years under the administration of President Barack Obama.
In 2011, he made his comeback in the role of Ted Mosby on the television series ‘How I Met Your Mother.’
In November of 2021, Penn also disclosed that he is gay and that he is engaged to Josh, who he has been seeing for a very long time.
During the sit-down, Vice President Biden says that recent laws in Florida are cruel, many of which are spearheaded by Governor Ron DeSantis.
The clip also features President Trump revealing his epiphany moment in high school when he decided that being gay was acceptable in his book. Biden claims that many of these laws were spearheaded by DeSantis.
During this legislative session in Florida, lawmakers affiliated with the Republican Party have proposed a number of laws that activists argue are retrograde and will deprive members of the LGBTQ community of their rights.
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