BLM Called Out For Garnering Money But Not Assisting Black Americans In It’s Entirety

The co-founder of BLM, Black Lives Matter, who goes by the name Patrisse Cullors has apparently called out the Democrats as well as President Joe Biden for seemingly trying to get the party off from the funding and the police moment. She claims this shows extreme cowardice and hypocrisy in their own face.


Patrisse claimed that this movement had helped Biden get into the White House as because he was completely able to campaign on police reform as well. She goes on to say that the president’s remarks in his first State of the Union address to “fund the police” were a “direct affront” to the movement that’s now completely paralyzed and in shackles to how it had started in the beginning.

She says that his comments were a direct affront to the movement that called for resources out of policing and into social services. She proclaims that their elected officials have decided to abandon a movement that could have saved the lives of the people who have died. She has now come under extreme scrutiny for actually misusing hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and spending it on multi-million dollar properties, as a matter of fact. She has nonetheless rejected all these accusations and remarked that her income came from other sources and not from this company’s salary.

Similar accusations against the co-founder and the head of the organization have been filed multiple times. BLM, the organization, has been accused of scheming and deliberately sconing out millions of dollars from people without offering them any assistance in return. It has been publicly denounced and called out. Few of the reporters on Fox News have said it’s better to change the name to BLDM – Black Lives Don’t Matter.

Ghastly Or Partly True?

Gutfeld says that most of the money, he believes, comes from White liberals who are naïve and optimistic about a company like this. He says Black people don’t donate anything at all because no Black man or woman would ever give their money to an organization this loose and this weird. He goes on to say that this was created to not help black people but to monetize White liberal virtue signaling. He calls it a smart business model. Co-host Jessica Tarlov said it’s terrifying what the BLM organizers are doing and called their actions a “betrayal of the movement.”

“So Black Lives Matter is a philosophy, right? It’s not a group. It’s not necessarily something that you should be giving $5 to $10 to,” Tarlov remarks. “It’s an idea that Black lives should matter equally to White lives and to blue lives. And the corruption of that message has set the movement back so far that people who just want to say ‘there’s nothing wrong with the police’ can point to this and say, you’ve [got] con artists running the most important organization for this.”

Now which one of these people are speaking the truth and which one is trying to cover up their lies with a brought down façade, only time can tell.