Claims for $200 to $400 monthly checks are now open to Americans
A short-term $400-per-month Universal Basic Income (UBI) program is in the works. From November 2020 to August 2021, 2,000 families and households in Massachusetts received monthly payments as a portion of the first phase of Chelsea Eats.
On the other hand, on Tuesday, December 13, a second phase of the Universal Basic Income (UBI) program went live. This phase’s goals and aims are to assist and support needy citizens in decreasing the effect of high winter energy and food costs. During this period, fewer people will be qualified and eligible, and the payments will only be completed for three months.
Who is qualified?
According to a published post by The US Sun, you must be a Chelsea resident and earn below 30% of the Area Median Income to be qualified and eligible, which is similar to the previous round.
The subsequent factors will define the thresholds: the sum of people living in the household. The scope of the family will also affect the monthly assistance.
For instance, one-person families will get $200, two-person families $300, and three-person families or more will get $400 per month. According to the officials, “preference will be given to applicants with children under 18, disabled residents, veterans, seniors 65 and older, families who are ineligible for other forms of government assistance, families with a female-identifying head of household, and families with a member self-identifying with a minoritized/marginalized gender-identity.”
Furthermore, applicants and claimants from previous rounds will not be disqualified and ineligible. Applications and claims can be submitted on the web and will be acknowledged and recognized through January 6 at noon.

How long will the cash arrive?
A debit card will be used to allocate and transfer the funds to those who are chosen. Whatever the case may be there has been no accurate date yet given by the city. Additional UBI programs are currently being implemented and applied outside of Massachusetts.
A new income program has been launched in Coachella, California, providing 140 families with $400 per month for two years. Participants who are accepted and acknowledged have the choice of having the funds loaded on a prepaid card or having them deposited monthly into their checking account. Yet, the deadline for compliance was November 11th.
Qualified and eligible families will start to receive help and support in January 2023. Additionally, new low-income Rochester, New York people are eligible qualified for payments. Another 175 individuals will get $500 monthly payments early in 2023. In the final week of January 2023, 170 residents of Alexandria, Virginia will start getting their first $500 monthly checks.