For residents in the United States, a nine-digit Social Security number is their first and continuous connection with Social Security. It helps authorities identify and accurately record covered wages or self-employment earnings of people. They also use it to monitor residents’ record once they start getting benefits. So if you are looking to replace your Social Security card, continue reading below for an easy step-by-step guide.
First, you need to have a my Social Security account. If you don’t have one yet, you can go here to sign up for an account: To get a replacement Social Security card you must be a U.S. citizen aged 18 or older with a U.S. mailing address, you are not requesting for a name change or any other change to your card, and you have a driver’s license or state-issued identification card from the participating states or the District of Columbia.
Note that the Social Security card replacement service is only available in Delaware and Wisconsin if you have a driver’s license. If you live in Alaska, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, and West Virginia, you cannot use the Social Security car replacement service yet as the department is still working on making it available to the above-mentioned states.
The service, likewise, is not available if you have a driver’s license or identification card issued by American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or other U.S. territory areas.
If you cannot apply for a Social Security card replacement through my Social Security, you can check the necessary documents to be submitted at Note that the documents must be original or copies certified by the issuing agency. The Social Security Service will not accept photocopies or notarized copies of such documents. If you file the application for someone else, you must show evidence of your relationship or responsibility for the person you are filing for. Your proof of identity is likewise necessary.

Next, you have to print and fill in the application form you can find at After which, you can mail or take the documents and application form to Social Security Administration.
Note that some businesses offer Social Security name changes or cards for a fee. If you contact Social Security directly, these services are rendered for free.