Britney Spears Is Free After Judge Suspends Her Father From Conservatorship; Fans React

After 13 years of being controlled over her own life and money, singer Britney Spears “is free” after a judge suspended the singer’s father, James Spears, from conservatorship on Wednesday.

The 39-year-old singer could be entirely freed from court control within weeks after a judge said that the conservatorship arrangement “reflects a toxic environment,” AP reported.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny approved the petition from Britney and her attorney that her father needs to give up his role as conservator. The decision followed months after the singer asked for her father’s removal during court hearings saying, “I want my life back.”

After hearing arguments from both parties, the judge said that the current situation is untenable. “It reflects a toxic environment which requires the suspension of James Spears,” she said.


Singer’s Life And Money Expected To Be Given Back By November

With no objections regarding the ending of the conservatorship, Judge Penny is expected to terminate the agreement in a hearing on Nov. 12, giving the singer’s life and money choices back to her.

The #FreeBritney has been going on for years to which she eventually joined.

James Spears Pursued Conservatorship In 2008

The singer’s father asked for conservatorship in 2008. He had been the main controller and Britney’s life and money. In recent weeks, he reversed course and asked the judge to end the conservatorship immediately saying that it would make his removal meaningless.

Britney and her attorney agreed that the conservatorship should end but argued that James’ removal is an important first step.

The singer was not present at the hearing and did not participate in any way. Her father also only connected remotely and did not speak during the proceedings.

James’ Lawyer Said His Removal ‘Unjustified,’ Would Explore Options For Appeal

James Spears’ attorney said that there was no justification for his removal. “There is not a shred of evidence to support suspension,” lawyer Vivian Thoreen told the judge. “His record is impeccable.”

But Judge Penny said her decision was “unappealable,” and Thoreen said she would explore options for appeal, nonetheless.

Meanwhile, Britney’s attorney, Mathew Rosengart, said after the hearing that the singer Spears “has been faced with a decade-long nightmare, Kafkaesque nightmare orchestrated by her father and others.”

Rosengart swore to pursue “even more serious ramifications for his misconduct.”

The attorney said they planned to conduct a “top-to-bottom look” regarding the actions of James Spears. Rosengart also said that the law enforcement should investigate the revelations in The New York Times over a listening device that was placed in Britney’s bedroom.

Fans Overjoyed Over the Ruling

“My heart’s racing out of my chest,” said Lorin Sisco of Hawaii, a fan who flew to Los Angeles for the hearing and who had been at the courthouse for all proceedings for the previous year. “I am so excited for what she has to do with the rest of her life.”

Before the hearing, the major street outside the courthouse was closed to vehicles to allow Spears supporters to mark and host a rally. Fans sang Spears hits such as “Toxic” and “Baby One More Time.”

Newly Appointed Conservator For Britney

Judge Penny had appointed John Zabel, an accountant that Rosengart and Britney chose to serve as a conservator for the pop star’s finances up until the end of the year but the conservatorship may be terminated earlier.

Jodi Montgomery is a court-appointed professional and he now acts as conservator of Spears’ person and agreed the conservatorship can and should end.

Also Read: Jamie Lynn Spears’ Husband ‘Caught Red-Handed Looking At Britney Spears’ Instagram Post’