Writer Pens Open Letter To Texas Tech Fans Who Chanted ‘F**k Biden’ Over The Weekend

A writer for the website of Awesome 98, which is a radio station broadcasting a classic hits format, penned an open letter to Texas Tech fans. The letter talked about the weekend game when Texas Tech went against Florida International University, and like in the most recent football games, a group of students started chanting “F**k Biden.”

The writer, Lance Ballance, who has been on the radio for the past 35 years, said that the chant started ten minutes prior to the kickoff. He pointed out that the chant began at a student section, and he is aware that this is a trend as students from different universities show their disapproval and displeasure with the current administration.

Lance Ballance opined, “The biggest issue is not with anyone’s reaction or political beliefs either way. That’s your business, and even though this is a trend that has been pervasive at college football games over the past few weeks, it’s NOT a trend we need to follow here on the South Plains. Why? Kids.” Lance Ballance noted that the football games welcome families and fans of all “ages, denomination, races, political parties, etc.” The writer said that as a parent, he could not fathom how people would explain what the students were chanting to a seven-year-old kid.

The writer also noted that Texans are better than this because The Jones is a “great place to support our Red Raiders, and also a place for future fans or students to begin to be exposed to a positive Texas Tech experience.” The children in the audience should be given a chance to love watching Raider Red and the Masked Rider during game day and not hear “shallow and vulgar political disclosure.”

Credit: newsfinale.com

Lance Ballance ended his open letter by saying that he wrote this not because of political reasons. He made it clear, “To that effect, I say that your hypocrisy is showing. Because if the shoe was on the other foot, they’d be cheering wildly if it was a ‘f*** Donald Trump’ chant was being bellowed. You can’t have it both ways, and I say that in that element, neither chant is appropriate. If we wouldn’t say it in front of our youngest, we shouldn’t say it at all in that setting.”

Also Read: Writer Pens Open Letter To Texas Tech Fans Who Chanted ‘F**k Biden’ Over The Weekend