Scaling the Texas Way: Innovative Digital Marketing Tactics for Local Businesses

If you have been in business for any length of time, scaling is likely one of your business goals. After all, if your business is showing significant growth, scaling is the most logical step to follow to meet growing demand. One way to do this is with digital marketing. Digital marketing increases the exposure of your online presence and reaches a wider audience. With access to a larger customer pool, you can increase sales revenues. After all, that is one of the reasons why you are in business – to make money.

Here is a closer look at several digital marketing tactics that can help you scale your business.

Tactic #1

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The only way to see an increase in traffic to your website is through SEO. That is because search engines are the tools that determine what traffic gets to see your website and the best way to increase your website visibility is by using SEO. SEO involves targeting your audience with relevant content, keywords, guest posting, and performance enhancements that keep visitors interested and returning to your website. SEO is a highly effective scaling tool.

Tactic #2

Local SEO

If your business relies heavily on local traffic, then local SEO is a wise tactic. One of the best ways to do this is to create a Google My Business page and ensure your business can be found on Google Maps. With local SEO, you can offer short-term deals and discounts and change them more frequently than with any other form of advertising. Plus, Local SEO reaches people already in your community looking for products like yours.

Tactic #3

Social Media Advertising

If you don’t have business pages on popular social media networks, now is the time to launch them. That is because you have potential customers who spend more time on social media than anywhere else online. It only makes sense to go where they are. Advertising on social media is much easier than it once was and you can target your efforts with various filters so your ads are viewed by your desired target audience rather than by everyone.

Tactic #4

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

You’ve seen them before. When you enter a search query and the first page of results contains a few key listings that are noted as paid ads. Well, that is SEM and you can jump to the top of a search results page with what is known as paid search ads. They increase the visibility of your website and are a cost-effective way to funnel new traffic to your site. Google Ads is a good choice as it permits you to market your business with whatever budget you can afford.

Tactic #5

YouTube Videos

Creating video content around your products and services is a great way to market your business. YouTube provides the perfect platform for this tactic. By using YouTube or TikTok videos to reach your potential and existing customers, you can educate and engage them in a meaningful way. With a comprehensive and carefully executed series of good-quality videos, you can complement whatever your scaling plans are. And the videos can continually be viewed in the future.

Tactic #6


If you are unfamiliar with the term, remarketing is the act of marketing to your existing customers. This can take different forms. For example, you can show previous customers marketing advertising. Or you can feed action-based ads to customers who revisited your website or reacted to another of your marketing tools. This data-based strategy is aimed solely at customers or clients who already support your business but upsell them.

Tactic #7

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing can be a very effective scaling tool. With it, your product and services can be advertised to different audiences by the affiliates you connect with. Affiliate marketing puts your business in front of new prospects which enhances your current exposure and can increase traffic to your website with pay-per-click advertising campaigns. If you are trying to reach a different audience with your products, affiliate marketing is a smart way to go.

Tactic #8

Email Marketing

For many, this is considered an old-school digital marketing method, but it still works. However, it does require a time investment as email marketing takes a while to generate a lot of activity. That being said, if your website has a sign-up form for emails or a newsletter, you can easily create an email marketing list that will serve people who are already interested in your products or services. Plus, it is a good way to cross-promote your other marketing tools.

Tactic #9

Business Partnerships

Forming business partnerships with companies that are not competing with you for the same audience can be very beneficial for all involved. Both end up gaining access to a larger pool of prospective new customers. Also, when advertising together, marketing costs decrease, making advertising more affordable in places not explored. The right business partnership can be a learning experience on both sides by sharing knowledge and skills.

Tactic #10

Influencer Marketing

The use of influencers in marketing is a tactic that requires some consideration. Usually, small businesses prefer not to go this route, primarily because of cost. However, influencer marketing can benefit small businesses that are scaling. For an even bigger bang for your buck, the combination of influencer and affiliate marketing can provide amazing results. Influencers essentially promote specific brands and products to their fans and followers.

Final Thoughts

Scaling a business is a logical next step in business that encourages growth or responses to rapid growth. There are many different ways to address this or enhance it. Digital marketing is one tool that can be very valuable with scaling. It also offers many different tactics to employ that can create traffic to your website or business and interest in your brand. When scaling your business is the current topic, consider digital marketing as an approach to take.

Rich Makover works as a Chief Fractional Sales Officer at Digital Authority Partners, a Fort Worth Digital Agency.