Results of the Presidential Primary in New Hampshire

The unfolding 2024 presidential election cycle takes a significant turn with the commencement of New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary. Building on former President Donald Trump’s resounding victory in Iowa last week, which prompted most of his major challengers to withdraw, the lone contender left standing is former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. She now finds herself in a one-on-one matchup with the former president, a scenario she has actively sought.

Diverging from the Iowa caucuses, which were exclusive to Republicans, New Hampshire is set to conduct both Democratic and Republican primaries simultaneously. However, the Democratic race in the state is essentially for bragging rights, as no delegates will be allocated based on the primary results. This departure stems from the Democratic primary being held in contravention of DNC rules designed to grant different states first-in-the-nation status. Consequently, President Biden will not be featured on the ballot. Nevertheless, some New Hampshire Democrats are orchestrating a write-in campaign for the president. The dynamics of this unconventional Democratic primary might lead to fluctuations in write-in totals in the results as they are processed and attributed to Joe Biden.

The electoral proceedings will kick off with the reporting of the first votes at midnight (EST), a tradition upheld by Dixville Notch, where ballots are cast in the opening minutes of Election Day. While polls across most of the state are scheduled to close at 7 p.m. (EST), some cities will extend voting hours until 8 p.m. (EST). It’s worth noting that DDHQ (Decision Desk HQ) will refrain from making any race projections until after the closure of all polls, ensuring a comprehensive and accurate assessment of the primary outcomes.

The unfolding events in New Hampshire mark a crucial phase in the presidential race, particularly as the political landscape crystallizes around the emerging contenders and their strategies. The unique dynamics of the Democratic primary in the state add an extra layer of intrigue, setting the stage for a closely watched and potentially transformative episode in the 2024 election narrative.