Exclusive: Trump and Haley Compete for Tim Scott’s Backing

Former President Trump and Nikki Haley have each reached out to Sen. Tim Scott in their bid to secure his endorsement ahead of the New Hampshire primary, according to a source familiar with the calls.

The significance of this lies in the potential impact on the upcoming primary, where Haley, the former governor of Scott’s home state, seeks to gain ground against Trump, the current GOP favorite.

Trump reportedly called Scott soon after the Iowa caucuses, while Haley made her call on Wednesday. Although Scott and Haley haven’t connected by phone, they have exchanged text messages. Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Trump endorser, has privately encouraged Scott to back Trump sooner, while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who reached out to Scott in November, hasn’t called him this week.

Haley, who appointed Scott to the Senate in 2013, refrained from contacting him for a month after he exited the presidential race in November, as per Politico’s initial report. Scott is yet to decide on an endorsement but might make a decision before the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday.

An endorsement from Scott could impact both the New Hampshire primary and the South Carolina primary on Feb. 24. If Trump secures a decisive victory in New Hampshire, the race could effectively be settled before the South Carolina primary.

Scott’s endorsement could influence the race in New Hampshire, given his popularity in the state, even if it wasn’t a primary stronghold. As prominent Republicans rally behind Trump after his dominant win in Iowa, the pressure to unite the GOP intensifies. Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Elise Stefanik have already endorsed Trump, emphasizing the need for party unity.

Haley sees New Hampshire as a chance to rejuvenate her campaign after a lackluster performance in Iowa. A strong showing or a close second could provide momentum heading into the South Carolina primary.