Kyiv International University

Kyiv International University is a private higher educational institution of the IV accreditation level founded in 1994. Till 2002 its name was International Institute of Linguistics and Law.

Today the academic staff of KIU includes 65 Doctors of Sciences, Professors, 148 Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors. The total number of teachers with scientific degrees is nearly 90 %. The specificity of KIU: trains specialists (international lawyers, international economists, international relations specialists, teachers, journalists, psychologists, workers of social sphere, political analysts, translators, teachers), who will be able to represent the interests of Ukraine abroad including Oriental countries. That’s why a great attention is paid to studying foreign languages: among 24 languages are taught at KIU there are European languages as well as languages of the Far and Middle East and Middle-Asian region. East European and Scandinavian languages are a part of the immediate future of linguistic training.

Appropriate level of training is provided first of all owing to the qualified management of educational process, staff policy of the University, original curricula, sufficient studying of two-three foreign languages, qualified academic staff.

Reading Hall

Our students were victorious at Ukrainian and International Competitions. During 2001–2008 the KIU teams became the winners of the National Rounds of International competitions named after Telders and Jessup, International students moot court competitions named after Martens. During the international round among European countries (in Hague, the Netherlands) our team won the second place and became one of the best teams of this competition.

The students of win competitions in international law, constitutional law, and foreign languages. They make reports at conferences.

The University publishes it’s our own newspaper, various creative groups of students carry out their research programs.

The priority of KIU activity is a research work of students and academic staff. Annually students’ and teachers’ scientific conferences are held which have acquired the international status; authors’ methods and new technologies of studies are worked out and applied.

One of the most important directions of the KIU activity is to organize the Pre-University courses for schoolchildren to train qualified university applicants. The Faculty of Pre-University Training and regional courses function in cooperation with secondary schools on the basis of KIU.

On the initiative of KIU supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine annual Olympiads for school students are held.

The international status of the University and its main aims are the basis of the program of international and public relations of KIU. In the framework of the program different kinds of international cooperation are carried out: creative contacts with embassies of different countries are established, cooperation with international organizations, funds is conducted, foreign specialists are involved into the educational process, the organization of training abroad in correspondent organizations is carried out.  University UNESCO club, educational and cultural program «Ukraine and World», cooperation with the National commission of UNESCO, the British Council, the American House of the USA Embassy to Ukraine, the Egyptian Fund of Technical Cooperation, European Association of International Education, the Centre of information and documentation of NATO in Ukraine actively contribute to this program.

Nowadays KIU has nearly 8000 students.

Criminalistic ground
Institutes at Kyiv International University

Institute of International Relations:

International relations studies:

International Law: international relations specialist, international lawyer – international public law, international private law and European law expert; translator of two foreign languages.

International Economic Relations: international relations specialist, international economist, international currency and credit relations expert, foreign-economic activity expert; translator of two foreign languages.

International Relations: international relations specialist, international political sciences specialist, diplomat, diplomatic and consular officer; translator of two foreign languages.

Country Study: international relations specialist, international political sciences specialist, country study expert, international tourism manager; translator of two foreign languages.

International Information: international relations specialist, international information and political system analyst, PR expert, international political and social relations expert; translator of two foreign languages.

International business: international business expert, international relations specialist, international economy specialist; translator of two foreign languages.

Tourism: tourism expert.

Computer studies: Expert of computer science, information analyst (information control systems and technologies).

Program engineering studies: Program engineering expert, expert of automatic system software.

Master’s training: International Law, International Economic Relations, International Relations, International Information, Country Study, Foreign Policy*.

*The integrated 2-year master’s degree program in Foreign Policy: Specialization of Crises Analysis presupposes, KIU’s diploma (Ukraine) and the diploma of “La Sapienza” Rome University (Italy).

Institute of Linguistics:

Philology studies:

Foreign Philology: philologist, teacher of the foreign language and literature (two foreign languages).

Translation: translator, interpreter, translator-advisor (two foreign languages).

Master’s training: Foreign philology (English, German), Translation (English, German).

Institute of Journalism:

Journalism studies:

Journalism: correspondent, radio- and TV-journalist, international journalist, press journalist, TV-reporter.

Master’s training: Journalism.

Institute of Television, Cinema and Theatre:

Cinema and Television Art studies:

Cinema and Television Art: film director, TV-operator, TV-host and announcer;

Dramatic Art: theatre and cinema actor, drama theatre producer, theatre expert;

Master’s training: Cinema and Television.

Institute of Psychology, Social and Political Sciences:

Psychology studies:

Psychology: consulting psychologist.

Sociology: sociologist, social service specialist.

Political studies:

Political Science: political scientist, political analyst, political technologist.

Master’s training: Social Work; State Management; Psychology; Political Science; Pedagogic of Higher School.

Institute of Law:

Law studies:

Science of Law: lawyer (state law, economic law, law of customs, administrative law, criminal investigating, judicial, prosecuting expert, attorney, finance law, state executive specialist).

Master’s training: Science of Law; Intellectual Property.

Departments at Kyiv International University

Department of Economics:

Management studies:

Management of Organizations: manager of international and investment activity, stock, innovation and foreign-economic activity manager, financial manager and projects operation manager;

Enterprise Economics: economist, business planning and forecasting specialist;

International Economics: international economics specialist;

Finance and Credit: finance and credit expert;

Accounting and Auditing: specialist in accounting and auditing;

Marketing: marketing specialist;

Commercial Business and Trade: commercial business and trade specialist.

Master’s training:

Administrative management;

Management of Organizations.

Department of Building and Architecture:

Building studies: industrial and civil building expert.

Architecture studies: specialist in architecture.

Medical department:

Pharmacy: specialist in pharmacy.

Terms of training are:

Bachelor – 4 years;

Master – 1, 1,5 and 2 years.

Listing Details

Teaching staff
>200 (65 Doctors of Sciences, Professors, 148 Candidates of Sciences)
Students trained
Institute of International Relations
Institute of Journalism
Institute of Television, Cinema and Theatre
Institute of Linguistics
Institute of Law
Institute of Psychology, Social and Political Sciences
Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Building and Architecture
Medical and Pharmaceutical Faculty
  • International Relations
  • Linguistics
  • Journalism
  • Television, Cinema and Theatre
  • Psychology, Social and Political Sciences
  • Economics
  • Building and Architecture