Bill filed in Texas House to restrict state funding from institutions that teach critical race theory 

The Texas state senate is considering a bill that would prevent institutions from receiving state funding if they continue to teach critical race theory.

2021 Prohibition on Critical Race Theory

This follows the 2021 prohibition on critical race theory in grades K–12. According to opponents, it was never initially taught at those grade levels.

An institution of higher education cannot include a concept in its curriculum that claims that “an individual, by virtue of the individual’s race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously,” according to HB 1607, filed by state Rep. Cody Harris (R-Palestine).

The institution would not otherwise be “qualified to receive public subsidies.”

Building on our work from the previous session to forbid Critical Race Theory in our K-12 classrooms, Harris wrote on his Facebook page, “Our American values will not be watered down or twisted for the political agenda of the far left. I filed House Bill 1607 which will prevent it from being taught at Texas college and university campuses. Texas must push back on the progressive agenda to indoctrinate the minds of our future and I’m proud to help lead the effort!”

The subject of critical racial theory has generated debate recently.


Dan Patrick, the lieutenant governor, demanded in February of last year that tenure at universities be abolished and that teaching be made a CRT. This followed the U.T. A resolution stating that educators should decide on instruction should be adopted by Faculty Council.

Patrick stated in February 2022, “We didn’t say you don’t talk about race. We didn’t say you can’t teach about slavery. We didn’t say you ignore our history. What we said is you’re not going to teach a theory that says, we’re going to judge you when you walk into the classroom by the color of your skin. That if you’re white, you were born a racist that that’s normal, not an aberration, and you’re an oppressor.”

The State Board of Education met in August of last year to talk about revising the social studies curriculum.

According to Katie Naranjo, head of the Travis County Democratic Party, “sounds like the Republicans are continuing to attempt to whitewash our history. The thing that is remarkable about America is that we do have a lengthy history that is also somewhat tragic.” “Unfortunately, we must acknowledge those harsh realities and that harsh past in order to prevent repetition.”

Other Reports, Critical Race Theory

According to Decision Desk HQ, several Republican candidates for the State Board of Education who fought against what is known as critical race theory in public schools won their contests on Tuesday night, gaining Republicans one additional member on the board.

Most significantly, Republicans were able to take back District 2, which includes a portion of the Gulf Coast.

Due to last year’s redistricting, the State Board of Education’s 15 seats were all up for election this year. The board is in charge of deciding what the 5.5 million pupils in Texas’ public schools must study. Starting in January, there will be 10 Republicans and 5 Democrats on the board.

Elections for the body that determines the state’s public school curriculum typically receive little attention from voters. But this year, there has been a lot of discussion about how Texas schools are run. The pandemic’s effects on school closures, mask requirements, and a new rule limiting how children may study America’s history of racism have increased public awareness in state board races.