Austin to Experience Warm, Humid Weather This Weekend – Experts

On Wednesday, Dec. 7, there will be a mix of largely cloudy and patchy clouds with some afternoon sunshine in Austin areas, and according to weather reports, peak temperatures will be much above average, with most regions seeing upper 70s to low 80s.

As upper-level moisture rises, rain chances will slightly increase on Friday and Saturday, but neither the coverage nor the severity of the rain will impress, based on Newsbreak.

For the upcoming week, temperatures are predicted to be higher than average, with a strong cold front arriving on Tuesday to start a period of frigid weather in the middle of the month.

Since official pollen counts are only taken on workdays, they are zero on weekends. The capacity to collect pollen data may be impacted by rain. 

Allergy Counts 

According to KXAN, Sheila M. Amar, M.D., and Kim T. Hovanky, M.D., measure the most recent allergen counts for Central Texas. of Georgetown’s Allergy & Asthma Center.

Mold is reportedly present to variable degrees throughout the year, with more significant concentrations in the summer and fall. On the other hand, many residents of Central Texas experience allergic reactions to cedar pollen. The peak month for counts is usually January or early February.

Pecan counts peak from the end of April to the beginning of May, while oak peaks between the end of March and the beginning of April.

Meanwhile, a microscope cannot tell a blade of grass from another. The most significant counts often occur in May and June, and they might extend from March to September. Elm numbers peak between the end of February and the beginning of March.

Ragweed season begins in August and can persist until November, while ash concentrations peak in late February and early March. Reports said it usually peaks between the end of September and the beginning of October.