American Crime is a famous American crime drama television series successfully created by John Ridley. The series has been one of the most successful American thriller series recently. The release of the very first season of the series happened on the fifth of March 2015, and it successfully continued till the thirtieth of April 2017 with a total of 3 seasons and 29 episodes. The producers and developers of the series had successfully renewed it for three seasons and decided that they would not renew it for a further season. They had concluded with three Seasons themselves for certain reasons.
Plot and Storyline of the series American Crime
The Storyline of the American Crime television series was very successful as the first season of the series takes place in California, where the story is based on a veteran of War who becomes a victim of a home invasion, and also the lives of 4 people are changed through that connection of it. The Storyline of the Second Edition of the series takes place in Indiana, where the co-captain of a private school with a basketball team is accused of sexually assaulting a male classmate and posting photographs in an indecent online manner. The third edition of the series takes place in Carolina, where five groups of people struggle to survive in a certain place where the American dream comes with a huge price.
Characters and Cast of the American Crime Series
The American Crime series was made in three different clothes in 3 editions, but the lead actors of the series represented the lead characters of the particular Seasons themselves. In season 1, Felicity Huffman represented Barbara Hanlon. Timothy Hutton played the character of Russ Skokie. Lili Taylor played the character of Nancy Straumberg. In season 2, the character of Leslie Graham was represented by Felicity Huffman. Timothy Hutton played the character of Dan Sullivan. Lili Taylor played the character of Anne Blaine. In season 3, Felicity Huffman played the character of Jeanette Hesby. The character of Nicolas Coates was played by Timothy Hutton. Lili Taylor represented the character of Clair Coates.
Development and Production of the series American Crime
The official announcement of the drama series was announced in October 2013, and the producers confirmed everything on January 2014 with the directors. The first edition of the series was announced with all its caste members on the fourteenth of February 2014. The typical Storyline of the series was not kept similar as it got renewed from season 1 to season 2. Still, the series producers decided to have different storylines in different seasons. The lead characters of each season would be represented by the lead actors of each season, and this was something which the fans liked a lot in the three seasons of the series Three Types of American Crimes were described in a very successful manner that helped the series receive a lot of success.
Release and Episodes of the series American Crime
The American Crime Series was released for its very first edition on the fifth of March 2015, and season one of the series consisted of 11 episodes that continued till the fourteenth of May 2015. The Second Edition of the series was successfully released on the sixth of January 2016 and 10 episodes in the Second Edition of the series continued till the ninth of March 2016. The third edition of the series was released on the twelfth of March 2017, and it consisted of 8 episodes that continued till the thirtieth of April 2017. After the release of the third edition of the series, the producers decided not to renew the series for further seasons.
Reviews and Ratings of the series American Crime
The American Crime series received a lot of recognition and success across the entire world as the first edition of the series had a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 94%, and the Second Edition of the series had a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 95%. In comparison, the third edition of the series had a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 100%. The critic cell always provided positive reviews to the series as it consisted of a lot of success stories. The overall IMDb rating of the series is 7.7 out of 10, which is also a very exceptional rating. The series was eventually reviewed to be very famous and successful by the general audience having an audience rating of 4.6 out of 5.