North Texan’s Take To The Streets For March For Life To Celebrate New Abortion Law

The abortion laws in the conservative Texas state have been opposed by the people several times now. Nearly 3000 people took to the streets on a cold Saturday morning for March for Life. Unfazed by the wintry weather, participants in the march held on to their cause and took out the procession in full gusto. They completed their march at downtown Dallas wherein the original petition was filed by Roe vs. Wade nearly 50 years ago.

Cause For Taking Out A Rally

The participants took to the streets after a mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe, a cathedral shrine. The Dallas Morning News reports that the rally started from Earle Cabell’s federal courthouse, which actually legalized abortion in 1973 (Roe’s lawsuit originated).

Dallas morning news got the statement from Bishop Edward Burns, who is serving the Catholic Diocese of Dallas, which seemed to take the cause to the entire country. The event was sponsored by the Catholic Pro-life community, Texans for Life Coalition, The Catholic Diocese of Dallas and Diocese of Fort Worth. Event organizers felt it apt to start the rally from the place where it all began in the Roe vs. Wade case. He felt that they needed to step up the voice for the unborn and let the cause permeate.

Where The Protest Will Go From Here

The Accident Advocate reports that the Saturday march was part of the protest against the Supreme Court’s decision which upheld the Senate Bill 8. This law stated the pregnancy cannot be terminated after 6 weeks but gave the opportunity for lower courts to proceed with lawsuits if necessary. Because of this bill, abortions have been stopped. Women who sought them had to go to other states to do so.

Some of the speakers in the rally celebrated SB 4, which bans the use of medical abortion, which got recently passed after SB8 existed—giving these pro-Life people a hope that their voice will reach other cities such as Austin, Washington DC and other cities in the US.