$500 Three Direct Payments Starting Next Month

$500 New Three Direct Payments Starting Next Month

In less than two weeks New Year is coming, and individuals will be able to take advantage and benefit from several monthly programs that propose payments of up to $500.

According to a published post by The Gazette, the cities provided funds for all three of these programs, which will be distributed and disseminated monthly to beneficiaries. Some factors and issues such as the number of members in the family and whether or not they are veterans or seniors will determine and regulate which families receive and get more assistance and support.

CHELSEA EATS PROGRAM in Chelsea, Massachusetts

Families will receive and get payments as a share of this Chelsea program to help and assist them with a fee for necessities and supplies like food and utility bills. As stated on the city’s website, the amount of this payment will be depending on the number of individuals living in the applicant’s household and family and the recipients with one person getting $200, recipients with two people getting $300, and recipients with three or more getting $400.

When all applications and submissions are received and acknowledged on January 6, 2023, the city has requested applicants and claimants to wait up to four weeks for their applications and requests to be processed.

$500 Three Direct Payments Starting Next Month
New Year is in less than two weeks away, and with it comes several monthly programs that will provide people with payments worth up to $500. (Photo: The Gazette)


The 140 low-income immigrant families and households will receive and get $400 per month through Coachella’s program. Beneficiaries will be selected and chosen based on who will benefit the most from this program instead of a lottery. The program’s goals and purposes are to assist low-income immigrant households that were ineligible and unqualified for federal assistance and to assist and support families in getting better from the effects of COVID-19.
As stated by the MAF, announcements, and notifications of approval will begin to be sent out on December 27 with payments starting in the New Year.


Alexandria’s Recurring Income for Success and Equity (ARISE) will provide $500 every month to 170 qualified and eligible applicants for 24 months. The money will be given to the selected beneficiaries each month and they can use it however they please.

The applications from Oct. 31 to Nov. 9 for this program were accepted and recognized. As stated on the city’s website, aspirants needed to be residents of Alexandria.