The HEAD series is a very successful series that was directed and created by Jorge Dorado. The series successfully premiered on the 12th of June 2020 and has been one of the most successful thrilling series ever. The HEAD series was originally made in three languages: English, Swedish, and Danish. The series was founded in Spain and Japan and has been one of the best productions made in 2020. The fans and rivers of the series were very excited to know the release of the series’s second season, and the producers have finally stated that they are continuing with the show’s second season.
Official Release Date and Details of the HEAD Season 2
The producers have just announced that they will make the series’ second season as the first season successfully premier on the 12th of June 2020. Still, it was successfully launched on the HBO Max application on the 4th of February 2021, and the series consisted of 6 episodes, with nearly every episode being of 50 minutes. The first season of The HEAD shows the inner nature of humans, and due to the lockdown caused by the pandemic, the viewers enjoyed the overall plot of the series. We can see the HEAD Series Season 2 by October 2023. The producers won’t make it very late to launch the second season.
Cast and Exclusive Characters of the HEAD Season 2
The first season of the series consisted of a very successful star cast. Through the renewal of the second series, we can see that the series’ lead characters will be seen again in the second season, and the actors playing the series’ lead roles will be back in the HEAD Season 2. Alexandre Willaume will return to the second season by playing the character of Johan Berg. Katherine O’Donnelly will continue the character of Maggi Mitchell in the Second Edition of the series. John Lynch may be seen continuing his character of Arthur Wilde. Apart from the release characters, other recurring characters in the series can be seen again in the second season.
Plot and Storyline of the HEAD Season 2
By the end of the first season, it can be seen that different twists have been unfolding, and different other thrills for the second season have been left untouched. It can be seen in the second season that Summer has come over the South pole, and the Sun will be seen there for the next six months. Season 2 of the series will consist of different crucial fights against climate change. After that, when the team looking forward to the overall mission again faces difficulties in that situation, the series will show different twists and turns. After the release of the official trailer of the second season, the plot would be more detailed.
Recap of the First Season of the HEAD Series
The first season of The HEAD series was very successful, and it was the storyline of the series that winter has successfully appeared in the south pole, and the sun eventually disappeared from there for six months. A small team performing scientific activities in a Research Station in the Antarctic had a crucial fight against climate change, and a renowned biologist had to command them in doing so. A few members of the group got missing or dead, so the series was very thrilling as one by one, people used to get missing, and the group survivors were tenser after seeing that.
HEAD Season 2 Trailer, Teaser, and Reviews
As no official release of the series’s second season has been made by the producers, it is very obvious that the trailer of the series has not been published or premiered. The first season of the series had different exclusive scenes in the trailer, and it was good for the viewers to be attracted to the series by just watching its trailer. The viewers and audiences provided very successful reviews for the series, and the production house is very successful in rating. The series received an IMDb rating of 6.8% out of 10, which is very successful and the critics evolved, so given a positive review for the series with the series being highly popular amongst the audience.