Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Plot, Media, and Production

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is a famous Japanese Manga series illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto and written by Masashi Kishimoto and UkyōKodachi. The original release of the Manga series was done on the 9th of May, 2016, and currently, the Manga is still running very successfully and properly. There has been a successful anime film through the Manga in 2015, and animated television series have also been running through the Manga series itself, which was released on the 5th of April 2017 and is running successfully with the television series. The Manga has been a very famous series for not only the people of Japan but audiences of crossword have loved how the film is made a enjoy it properly.

Boruto Naruto Next Generations Plot

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Plot and Storyline

The Storyline of the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations has been very successful and exciting and one of the major reasons for the direct success of the series in terms of a manga and an animation series. This particular Manga series deals with the sun of the famous animation character of Japan, Naruto Uzumaki. Boruto is the son of Naruto, and he also follows the full step of his father very, along with his friends, trying to become a great Ninja warrior and getting strained in that version itself. He has to face many adventures and thrills in the series and is very determined to make a huge mark in the world of Ninja and outflow the shadow of his father.

Boruto Naruto Next Generations Production

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Production Details and Development

The development of the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations began after the end of the Naruto series in 2014 when the writers and producers decided to make a next-generation series for the franchise. The Manga was successfully planned in December 2015. The series was announced. The writers and producers of the series were not interested in the storyline which followed the series. Still, after a few readings, everyone started to like what the storyline continued, and that’s why a successful Manga series was made through it and later on, a film was made. Anime series on television are currently running very well through the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations.

Boruto Naruto Next Generations Light Novels

Manga and Light Novels made through Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

The Manga edition of the series was successfully launched on the 9th of May 2016 during the 23rd issue of the famous manga magazine Shueisha in the shōen Jump. The Manga ran in this particular magazine till its 28 issues which were still on the 10th of June 2019, and following that, it was transferred to the V Jump magazine during the release on the 20th of July. This particular Manga series has also consisted of a light novel illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto and written by KōShingenobu and is based on this particular Manga series itself. Five Light novels were released until the last light novel was released on the 4th of January 2018, after which it was stopped.

Boruto Naruto Next Generations Anime Production

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Anime Production Details

As mentioned earlier, the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations has successfully made an anime series announced in an event on the 17th of December 2016. It was announced during this event that the adaptation would be made in the form of an Anime project. The Anime successfully made its first release on the fifth of April 2017 and is presently running very well with 263 episodes in total. The character design of the Anime series has directly been what it is shown in the Manga series, and the producers of the Anime series of directly taken a soundtrack through the series, which was first released on the 28 of June 2017 and the second soundtrack of the Anime series was released on the 7th of November 2018.

Boruto Naruto Next Generations Critical Response

Critical Response and Reception of the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations have received very positive reviews and reception from both audiences and critics. The first copy of the Manga series was sold for 183413 copies within the first week of its release itself. The critics have also rated the Anime series very successful, and it has been the ninth best anime show during the 2017 spring anime awards. The Anime series has also received an IMDb rating of 6.8 out of 10, which is decent. Many voters across the series have voted the Anime series and the Manga series are very positive and successful in terms of their stories. Naruto had used supporters and fans, and it wasn’t easy to create another sequel through it, but the producers and writers did a very successful job, according to the viewers.